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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Jengkol Intoxication

Jengkol intoxication is a kind of
food intoxication. Food
intoxication itself means
intoxication that occurs after
ingestion of food contaminated
or containing toxin.
Jengkolintoxication is not well
for people outside indonesia,
because not many cultures that
used jengkol as food ingredients.
Jengkol itself is a kind of beans
(Pithecolobium lobatum)
Jengkol being used as food
ingredients because its flavour,
smells, etc.
Brief Introduction
Jengkol always caused
intoxication. Component of
jengkol that caused intoxication
is jengkolic acid, that is a kind of
amino acid that contains sulfur
that can be isolated from jengkol
beans. Intoxication occurs
independent of amounts of
beans that being consumed and
whether it's being cooked or not,
alsowhether it's rape or raw.
Van Veen and Hyman concluded
that intoxication occurs depends
on individual susceptibility to
jengkolic acid..
Symptoms that occurs, is caused
by obstruction of urinary tract by
jengkolic acid crystal. Complains
usually occurs in 5-12 hours after
eatingjengkol. Fastest onset is
within 2 hours, the latest onset is
after 36 hours.
Usuallypatients tell that he/she
feel abdominal pain/discomfort
after eating few jengkol beans.
Sometimes accompany by vomit,
colic pain at micturition. Urine
volume also decreased, even can
be anuria. Sometimes hematuria
can be found. Also urine and
breath smells jengkol.
In urine examination with
microscope, can be found
jengkolic acid crystal that being
seen as sharp needle or
sometimes agglutinated as
bound or rosette.
If the symptoms is mild (vomit,
abdominal/flank pain only),
patient don't have to stay in
hospital, can be managed by
advice to drink a lot and giving
sodium bicarbonate.
Ifthe symptoms is severe
(oliguria, anuria, hematuria and
can't drink), patient have to stay
in hospital or opname and
receive Sodium bicarbonate in 5
% glucose I.V.

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